Friday, 19 July 2013

Long distance relationship? Physics it is!

It is evident that we humans prefer to go with someone who is nearly similar to us. This is also one of the basis of non-physical attraction. And if you spent more time with someone you'll not only get to know that person well but you might also be able to absorb some of that person's trait and the same goes with that person, this is what we all know as influence. Let me share you something related to physics.

In physics we have the zeroth law of thermodynamics, that is when two substance of different temperatures are placed each other they will give and receive heat and will only stop once they end up with the same temperature. This is known as thermal equilibrium.

The same idea applies at quantum scale, far smaller than subatomic particles. In this case we are dealing with vibrational frequency. I honestly don't know yet how but two particles with exactly the same frequency transfers information instantaneously, even if they are galaxies apart.

Just I have mentioned earlier, like thermal equilibrium, synchronizing frequencies is made the same way, just place 2 particles next to each other for a certain period of time. This is known as quantum entanglement, or what Einstein called as "spooky action on a distance". Well, distance is nothing on entangled particles, what one particle is experiencing will also be experienced by the other.

Now think of this, your closed friends or even best friend is always with you. I guess you have come to a certain point that similarities have been developed, a trait that isn't existing before you have met them. This is probably the same reason why many twins act as if they can read each other's mind, and also why a mother knows when her child is in danger, that sort of uneasiness.

Now, do you believe that distance is a hindrance?

Written by: CER0 of Blue Bloods


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