Friday, 19 July 2013

Long distance relationship? Physics it is!

It is evident that we humans prefer to go with someone who is nearly similar to us. This is also one of the basis of non-physical attraction. And if you spent more time with someone you'll not only get to know that person well but you might also be able to absorb some of that person's trait and the same goes with that person, this is what we all know as influence. Let me share you something related to physics.

In physics we have the zeroth law of thermodynamics, that is when two substance of different temperatures are placed each other they will give and receive heat and will only stop once they end up with the same temperature. This is known as thermal equilibrium.

The same idea applies at quantum scale, far smaller than subatomic particles. In this case we are dealing with vibrational frequency. I honestly don't know yet how but two particles with exactly the same frequency transfers information instantaneously, even if they are galaxies apart.

Just I have mentioned earlier, like thermal equilibrium, synchronizing frequencies is made the same way, just place 2 particles next to each other for a certain period of time. This is known as quantum entanglement, or what Einstein called as "spooky action on a distance". Well, distance is nothing on entangled particles, what one particle is experiencing will also be experienced by the other.

Now think of this, your closed friends or even best friend is always with you. I guess you have come to a certain point that similarities have been developed, a trait that isn't existing before you have met them. This is probably the same reason why many twins act as if they can read each other's mind, and also why a mother knows when her child is in danger, that sort of uneasiness.

Now, do you believe that distance is a hindrance?

Written by: CER0 of Blue Bloods

Monday, 15 July 2013

Computer 101: Binary and Measurement


Computers have become one of the important gadgets of our life, most of our daily task heavily rely in this amazing machine. But have you ever wondered how it run and how they measure it? If you are curious on how computer works (even if your profession is not related to IT) then you came to the right blog! In this small article I will explain how computer works in simple but understandable words and explain how they measure it too that even most IT guys don't know yet.


To begin with this article let's talk about binary first, I'm sure most of you have heard about this but do you really know what it is? Well first of all binary is composed of two (2) characters only, 0 and 1 which represents on and off or open and close.

Everything you see or do in the computer is made up of millions to billions of 0's and 1's even images that you'll surely won't believe are also made up of 0's and 1's. Each pixel is represented by 8 or more 0's and 1's that's why a single image can reach up to several megabytes of memory because they are literally made up of millions of binary digit. To further picture how vast and great is this Binary System I will explain how conversion and measurement work in the binary system.


Most of you are familiar with the basic Kilobyte, Megabyte or other types but do you really understand what is a byte? Byte is not really the smallest unit in computing, a byte is composed of 8 bits. A bit can be either 0 or 1. Example: 0110 1100, 0011 1110, 0101 1010, 0000 1100

Quick Fact: You might be wondering why they are divided by four, a byte can be divided into two equal parts (4 bits each) and they are called a "nibble".

Now by definition we can understand that 1 Kilobyte is 1,000 Byte or 8,000 bits or 2,000 nibbles right? So what do we call them? 1 Kilobyte is the standard unit, but sometimes we unknowingly use Kilobits for that one. So how do we differentiate them?

Byte vs Bits

Most of us don't care about this actually, especially if you're not in the field of IT. But somehow this will be helpful to you. A byte and bit are written in the same way Byte is B and Bit is b, Kilobyte is KB and Kilobit is Kb.

That's it? Just a small letter? Well actually yes, but it may somehow affect you, specially on promos. I can offer you a very cheap 8Gb USB flashdrive that you'll surely think is a big bargain, but wait a minute, "8Gb"? Whoa man! that's ridiculous because 8Gb is actually 8 Gigabits or 1Gigabyte (1GB). It is one of the biggest lies in our download speed actually, most programs show our download speed in BITS not in BYTES, so that you'll think you are downloading really fast, imagine the ability to fool you 8X just by changing "B" to "b"? I'm sure you'll be amazed to see 800Kbps than 100KBps thinking they are just the same with a little difference in the capitalized "B", but in the world of computing, that capitalization really matters.

Whoa man I think it's 1,024 not 1,000!

Oh yeah! Most IT guys will argue with this post because most of what we use is not exactly 1,000 well some of them at least, for example 1 Gigabyte of Random Access Memory (RAM) is actually 1,073,741,824 Bytes not 1,000,000,000 Bytes.

Hey! Are you trying to confuse me? Maybe that's what you are thinking right now, well, actually that is something wrong. What's wrong with it is the unit that we used, 1 Gigabyte is really 1 Billion Bytes and 1,073,741,824 Bytes is 1 GibiByte (GiB). Yes you read it right! Something new aye?

SI Unit of Digital Information Storage

You might be thinking that Kilo, Mega and Giga are already the SI (International System) Unit of Digital Information Storage, well you are wrong. Kibi (Ki), Mebi(Mi), Gibi(Gi), Tebi(Ti), Pebi(Pi), Exbi(Ei), Zebi(Zi) and Yobi(Yi) are the real SI unit for Digital Information Storage. They are defined as 1024(Ki), 10242(Mi), 10243(Gi), 10244 (Ti) and so on.

In Summary....

To summarize all of this I'll create a little chart for you.

B = Byte
b = bit

1 Byte = 8 Bits
1 Byte = 2 Nibble
1 Nibble = 4 Bits

1KB = Kilobyte [1,000 Bytes/8,000 Bits/2,000 Nibbles]
1Kb = Kilobit [125 Bytes/1,000 Bits/250 Nibbles]
1MB = Megabyte [1 Million Bytes/8 Million Bits/2 Million Nibbles]
1Mb = Megabit [125,000 Bytes/1 Million Bits/250,000 Nibbles]
1GB = Gigabyte [1 Billion Bytes/8 Billion Bits/ 2 Billion Nibbles]
1Gb = Gigabit [125 Million Bytes, 1 Billion Bits/ 250 Million Bits]

1KiB = 1024 Bytes
1MiB = 1,048,576 Bytes
1GiB = 1,073,741,824 Bytes
1Kib = 1024 Bits / 128 Bytes
1Mib = 1,048,576 Bits / 131,072 Bytes
1Gib = 1,073,741,824 Bits / 134,217,728 Bytes

That's all....

I guess this ends my little article about binary, I hope you enjoyed reading those numbers, if you want to request any future topics you can comment below and I'll try to research it.

And always remember that your 8Gigabyte game is made up of 64 Billion combinations of 0's and 1's.

Written By: SalbagSanting

Source: His memory, this article is a self-written article from his own memory, if you spot any mistake please indicate it in the comment section below.

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The Lost Panacea

Written By: BrainFreeze of Indigo League Elites

Serious wounds mostly self-inflicted
Evidence of the years I tormented
Gone into oblivion the paradise I once lived
Vanishes into mist the scent I once breathe

I stare blankly to these artful fancies
Which I used to read to sooth my animosities
I watched every clip of melodies you sang
Every notes hit me in my heart carelessly sprang

Alone I grasp into a hole of void
Thorns kept piercing through my skin I can’t avoid
But your gentle touch made me invulnerable
Every scratch were bearable

When I was frozen, you thawed me
I was fiery, you extinguished me
Bare-naked, you clothed me
Dead, you resurrected me

But chaos always lingered
With a sinister grin, my mind’s been battered
Just a single word I hastily uttered
My life has been recklessly shattered

Aftermath I regain consciousness
I am devoured by stupidity and carelessness
And now I have to brawl against the phantom paranoia
To find you, my lost panacea.

We all do share some regrets in our life that thinking twice is not enough. So before everything else bursts out, don't make decisions when you're emotionally unstable. You might end up losing something you value, and you realized it when, when it's gone.

Sunday, 14 July 2013

What is a year?

You gotta be kidding me..

You might be thinking that this post is hilariously stupid, of course a year is the revolution of the earth in the sun or exactly 365 and 1/4 days. Well somehow that's true, but somehow it's also incorrect in some sense. There are different types of years with different length for each years, the most common is the Tropical Year (which is the basis for most calendars) but there are more kinds of years not just two or three, but more than five excluding the other planet's year (Martian/Uranian Year).

Tropical, Sidereal and Anomalistic Year

Most of our calendars uses the Tropical Year or the Solar Year and it is also the kind of year that you know since elementary, and if you forgot what it is, Tropical Year is the total time it takes for the Sun to return to the same position in the cycle of seasons or period of time from vernal equinox to vernal equinox and summer solstice to summer solstice, the exact length of one (1) Tropical Year is 365.242 Days or 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, 45 seconds.

What about Sidereal? Well Sidereal Year is the amount of time it takes for the earth to complete one revolution with respect to fixed stars (One of the most popular fixed star is the Sun itself). One Sidereal Year is equal to 365.256 Earth Days or 365 days,6 hours 9 minutes, 9.76 seconds and if you're not happy with those conversion it is 1.00003878 Tropical/Solar Year.

Another kind of year is the Anomalistic Year, it is defined as the revolution of Earth to the sun with respect to its apsides, well you might be wondering what in seven hell is an apsides. Apsides are the extreme points of the Earth's Orbit (Since Earth's orbit is elliptical), apsides are the Farthest (Aphelion) and Closest (Perihelion) distance of the Earth to the Sun. An Anomalistic Year is defined by the Perihlion Passage or the closest point of the Earth to the Sun. Anomalistic Year is not fixed however, but the average length of one Anomalistic Year is approximately 365.260 Earth Days or 365 days, 6 hours, 13 minutes, 52.6 seconds.

Yay! Atleast they're just three different years!

Relax! We're not done yet, I mean I'm not done yet making you feel bad that what you learned in highschool and even in college is somewhat inaccurate or incomplete! To complete your total confusion about these kinds of years I'll give the other kinds of years, but don't worry most of them are not that important and just for educational purpose.

Julian Year - This is the unit used for Astronomy, A Julian Year is defined as 365.25 days or 86,400 SI Seconds, and most of us only know this kind of year since we started learning things. the Julian Calendar that we use today is based on Julian Years, but what about Tropical Years?

To make things clearer, Julian Year does not follow anything, unlike the other years that counts the time span with respect to different things. However, Julian Year was intended to approximate the Tropical Year, since a tropical year was a few minutes shorter than 365.25 days, it's like rounding it off. If we use the Tropical Year for our calendars (which is the accurate measurement rather than Julian Year) we will gain about three (3) days every four centuries (Today we use the Leap Year System or one day every four years).

Draconic/Eclipse Year - The revolution of Sun with respect to the Lunar Node. One Draconic Year is equal to 346.620 Earth Days or 346 days 14 hours 52 minutes 54 seconds.

Full Moon Cycle - Complete Revolution of the Sun with respect to the perigee of Moon's Orbit. A Full Moon Cycle is 411.784 Earth Days or 411 days 18 hours 49 minutes 34 seconds.

Lunar Year - This is defined as the twelve full cycles of the Moon's Phases, Muslim's Calendars is based on Lunar Year and Ramadan is also based on this one. A Lunar Year is approximately 354.37 days.

Besselian Year - The Besselian year was named after Friedrich Bessel, a German Astronomer. A Besselian Year starts when the Sun raches 280° of ecliptic longitude. To calculate for the Besselian Year you can use this equation:

Besselian Year = 1900.0 + (Julian date in Terrestrial Time Scale/Ephemeris Time − 2415020.31352) / 365.242198781

Sothic Year - The interval between heliacal risings of a star Sirius (Current Northern Star) is called a Sothic Year. The duration of one Sothic Year is extremely close to a Julian Year (365.25 Days).

Heliacal Year - This is the interval between the heliacal risings of a star, while it is almost identical to a Sothic Year, a Heliacal Year doesn't have a specific star for its identification where a Sothic Year is based on the Sirius only.

Vague Year - Also known as annus vagus (don't laugh please), this system is mainly used in the calendars of Ancient Egypt, Armenia, Mesoamerica and Iran. This is defined as the approximation to the year equaling 365 days, typically a vague year is divided in 12 months with 30 days each plus 5 epagomenal days (days within a solar calendar that are outisde any regular month).

Gaussian Year - The Gaussian year is the sidereal year for a planet of negligible mass (relative to the Sun) and unperturbed by other planets that is governed by the Gaussian gravitational constant. Such a planet would be slightly closer to the Sun than Earth's mean distance. One Gaussian Year is 365 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes, 56 seconds or 365.256 days.

That's all..

Well I guess I ran out of source for other kinds of years, you can try including other years of your favorite game or show maybe 1 San Andreas Year or 1 Pokemon Year. Since the Full Moon Cycle is the longest year among them all you can use it in tough situation like on those projects that you need to complete at the end of the year, just say "I'm using the Full Moon Cycle Year System" then point them out to this article.

Disclaimer: I (SalbagSanting) do not take responsibility to any problem that may arise from using a different system other than the Tropical Year/Lunar Year.

  • Christopher De Pree, Alan Axelrod (2004). The Complete Idiot's Guide to Astronomy (3rd ed.). Alpha Books.
  • Calendar Description and Coordination Maya World Studies Center
  • Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada 
  • Astronomical Almanac for the year 2011. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office.

Written by SalbagSanting of Red Masterminds
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