Sunday, 1 July 2012

How fun is sex?


We cannot admit that this generation has become so adventurous that even as early as 14 years old some of them are already engaged in sexual intercourse. But did you know that sex has benefits in both of our physical and emotion aspect. Well anything in excess is not good, there are also what we call sexually transmitted disease, but don't worry there are different ways on how to protect ourselves with these diseases.

Benefits of Sex

I know what you are thinking now, fun and pleasure right? Yes that's true, that is one of the benefits of having sexual intercourse, but there are other surprising benefits of sex.

A great stress reliever:

Maybe this doesn't surprise you but countless research has proven that having a regular sexual intercourse will greatly lower your blood pressure, relax your body.

Immunity booster

Study shows that having sex once or twice a week will increase your antibody called immunoglobulin A or igA, which is a good protection against cold and other infections.

Burn Calories

Thirty minutes of sex can burn up to 85 calories, but having 42 half-hour sessions can burn up to 3,570 calories, enough to lose 1 pound. So no wonder why pornstars have a slim body.

Healthy Heart

They say that having a long sex can cause stroke, that's just a folklore. Having sex can reduce the risk of fatal heart attack. Since we are burning calories it means we are also exercising our body, and we all know that exercise is good for the heart and body.

Boost self-esteem

 It was proven in a research that people who are having sex has more self-esteem than those who don't, that's why in most movie we can see that nerds usually don't have self-esteem why douchebags are full of self-esteem.

It improves intimacy

When a couple had sex their hormone oxytocin level increase, this is the so called "Love Hormones" which help us build bonds and trust to each other.

Pain Killer

As you are having a sexy time with your partner your oxytocin increases dramatically, this is our natural pain killer. That's why headache, arthritis, PMS or other kind of pain is not an excuse not to get laid.

Reduces the risk of prostate cancer

Research proves that frequent ejaculation (by sex or masturbation) can reduce the risk of having prostate cancer in the long run, having 21 or more ejaculation monthly is proven to be healthy (not too much ofcourse) to men.

Sex Strengthens Pelvic Floor Muscles
For women, doing a few pelvic floor muscle exercises known as Kegels during sex offers a couple of benefits. You will enjoy more pleasure, and you'll also strengthen the area and help to minimize the risk of incontinence later in life.
To do a basic Kegel exercise, tighten the muscles of your pelvic floor, as if you're trying to stop the flow of urine. Count to three, then release.

"Sleep Well"

As I stated before, having sexual intercourse releases oxytocin, and this also promotes sleep. We all experience that after sex we feel so tired as if we really like to sleep right? that's because of oxytocin.

Healthy skin

Having is sex is having a better circulation, and a better circulation means that more oxygen can flow through our body and to our skin which will give a brighter and healthier skin. This is the reason for the so called "after-sex-glow". More wrinkles in the bed = fewer wrinkles in the face.

Gives us great hair.

Hormones not only control our sex drives, but also the condition of our hair. Research has shown that a satisfying sex life results in healthy, lush hair due to the body's increased ability to receive and metabolize nutrients efficiently.

Healthier sperm count

Several studies show that men who have frequent sex have higher volumes of semen, a higher sperm count and a higher percentage of healthy sperm compared to men who have infrequent sex. This is good news for women, as research shows the absorption of semen helps you combat depression, boosts your energy and even helps you have a smoother delivery, if you're pregnant.

No more zits!

Sex can balance our hormones which can give a clearer and brighter skin, maybe you're wondering why pornstars have a perfect skin complexion right?

Fights cavities. 

Turns out that semen is chock-full of zinc, calcium and other tooth decay-fighting minerals that benefit us when our bodies absorb it. While having lots of sex can't replace a biannual trip to the dentist, having extra doses of these minerals certainly can't hurt our pearly whites.

Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD's)

"Many people think there are only two STDs ­ syphilis and gonorrhea. In fact, there are many other diseases that can be spread through sexual contact, including herpes, chlamydia, genital warts, vaginitis, hepatitis B and HIV (the virus that causes AIDS). Without treatment these diseases can lead to major health problems such as sterility (not being able to get pregnant), permanent brain damage, heart disease, cancer, and even death. If you think you have been exposed to a sexually transmitted disease, you and your sex partner(s) should visit a free health clinic or doctor for treatment."
 -State of New York Department of Health "Diseases that can be spread during sex"

Information about some sexually transmitted disease


Hepatitis B is a liver disease caused by a virus carried in the blood, saliva, semen and other body fluids of an infected person. Like HIV, it is spread by sexual contact or sharing works to shoot drugs. It can also be passed from mother to baby around the time of delivery. Symptoms may include tiredness, poor appetite, fever, vomiting, joint pain, hives, rash, or jaundice – a yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes.


AIDS is the end result of infection with the virus HIV. HIV attacks the body’s defense system, making the body less able to fight off infections or cancers. People with HIV may have no symptoms, or may not even know that they have HIV.


Gonorrhea is caused by bacteria spread from one infected person to another during sex. It can attack the urethra in a man’s penis, the cervix in a woman’s vagina, and the rectum and throat.


Syphilis is caused by an organism that enters the body through the skin, the mouth, or the anus during sex. Within 10 to 90 days after infection, a sore may appear anywhere on the body including on or around the genitals, the rectum, or mouth.


Herpes is a viral disease. It produces groups of blister­like sores on the genitals about two to 14 days after a person is exposed to the virus. Sometimes a fever is present. The sores will break open and become painful, especially if they come in contact with urine.


Chlamydia produces an infection that is very similar to gonorrhea. Men may experience burning during urination and discharge from the penis. However, up to 50% of men may have no symptoms or the symptoms are so mild, they may be ignored. In women, chlamydia causes an inflammation of the cervix (cervicitis).

Non­gonococcal Urethritis (NGU)

NGU is an infection that may cause burning upon urination and discharge from the penis. It is not caused by gonorrhea, even though the symptoms are similar.

Genital Warts

Genital warts are caused by a virus, Human Papillomavirus (HPV). There are over 70 types of HPV that infect humans including 35 that infect the genitals. Most people (about 75%) with HPV have no obvious signs of infection. When present, visible warts usually develop on the genitals one to three months after exposure.


Vaginitis is an inflammation of a woman’s vagina caused by tiny organisms that can be passed during sex.

Protect yourself

Protecting yourself against these diseases doesn't only benefit you, but also your partner and your family in the long run. The best way to protect yourself against these diseases is by using condom, but use the right kind of condom, latex condoms are the best protection that you can get, HIV virus can get through skin or natural condoms. Also, avoid using fatty substances or petroleum jelly when having sexual intercourse as this can weaken the latex. There are also condoms for women, which is better when it comes to protecting both of you. Having a single non-infected partner is the best way to avoid this.

"Diseases that can be spread during sex" - State of New York Department of Health


  1. Amazing article, very detailed and informative :)

  2. nice article !

  3. morning after pill may not go amiss. better safe than sorry.

  4. i like the article, it is so informative.
